UHPG-120 Ultra-High Performance Grout

UHPG-120 Ultra-High Performance Grout


UHPG-120 product is based on our innovative ultra-high cementitious technology. Have very high early and final strength, ductile, minor expansion, corrosion resistance, etc. Especially use for sleeve rebar couplers, windmills, etc.


  1. Physical Properties

  1. Main ingredient: PII52.5R cement, CSA cement, quartz sand, silicon carbide, silica fume, additives, etc.
  2. Density: =2.45



  1. Ultra-high strength, after one day of natural curing, the strength reaches approximately 40% of 28days strength.
  2. No segregation, or bleeding.
  3. Flow retention.
  4. Minor solid expansion, no washout.
  5. High abrasion and crack resistance.
  6. Corrosion and fatigue resistance.
  7. Excellent durability.
  8. Environmentally friendly.
  9. No chloride penetration, UV resistant.
  10. High thermal and noise insulation.
  11. Superior bonding strength to steel or existing concrete.
  12. Pumpable, good fluidity.
  13. Vibration damping.



  1. W/P=0.112, add one bag of UHPG-120(25kg) with 2.8L of clean, portable water.

  2. When mix, high torque electrical mixer(500rpm) is highly recommended. Mix 3min., until the grout is smooth and lump free. When mix in big quantity, should only use paddle or planetary mixer.

  3. In normal conditions, the application temperature is 20-35C. When above 35C, chilled water shall be used. And if the temperature is lower than 10C, heated water shall be adopted.

  4. A pressure pump is required to pump the grout to fill up the gap between two structures.



  1. Esthetical/architectural panels, facades, cladding, sun-screens, ornamental elements.
  2. Grout for sleeve rebar couplers.
  3. Off shore windmills installation.
  4. Flooring, road and pavement.
  5. Precision machine bed.



  1. 25kgs kraft bag or 1000kgs bulk bag.
  2. Store in a shade and dry area.
  3. Shelf life is 12 months when store in a good, unopened condition.